Prof. Jungwon SEO and PG Student KIM Chung Hee from ECE Won IEEE ICRA 2019 Best Paper Award in Robot Manipulation

The paper entitled "Shallow-Depth Insertion: Peg in Shallow Hole through Robotic In-Hand Manipulation", by our postgraduate student KIM Chung Hee and his supervisor Prof. Jungwon SEO, has won the Best Paper Award in Robot Manipulation at the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).  ICRA is the flagship conference of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. 


The paper was recognized at the award ceremony on 22 May 2019 in Montreal, Canada, presided by Toshio Fukuda, the IEEE President-Elect.  At the ceremony, two other awards including the 2019 IEEE Robotics and Automation Award and the Honorable Mention in IEEE Transactions on Robotics King-Sun Fu Memorial Best Paper Award, were also presented to Prof. Zexiang LI and our alumnus Frank Wang, as well as Prof. Shaojie SHEN respectively. 


The excellent robotics work of our faculty members, students and alumni has been highly recognized.

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Paper: "Shallow-Depth Insertion: Peg in Shallow Hole Through Robotic In-Hand Manipulation”

Video Demo 

"The video is complement to the paper entitled "Shallow-Depth Insertion: Peg in Shallow Hole through Robotic In-Hand Manipulation" and demonstrates: -3D-printed card assembly -Picture frame assembly-Mobile phone battery insertion -Lego block mating -Container lid assembly -Dry cell battery insertion -In addition, shallow-depth insertion has been performed vertically to validate the stability of the technique."


Prof. Jungwon SEO (right 2nd) and PG student KIM Chung Hee (right 3rd) from ECE Won IEEE ICRA 2019 Best Paper Award in Robot Manipulation

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